Monday, July 30, 2007

Week #3 - A heated coolness...

I have chosen the way of truth;
I have set my heart on your laws.
~Psalm 119:30

The BBQ's...the night that everyone always loves or hates! It is not a night to be wearing ones best clothes! Their Taiwanese BBQ's are really neat. They make their own fires useing just charcoal and heated gas. Then they wait forever until the coals get really hot and then they stick their food on the bracket thing and wait until it is almost cooked and then they eat it...not always 100% cooked! :-0

I really do enjoy it though, because the kide all become quite real and they have a great time! They especially like to pick on those teachers that don't want "stuff" on them...

Yep, they are all having a wonderful time!!

Teaching these kids was not so easy this week because we are getting fewer and fewer that can speak English well!

This week I had the "BANK" during the EVR (English Villiage Rotations). I was nervous at first because I thought that I was not the right one for it, but God showed me that He can prepare those that He chooses.

"As it is written, 'How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news.'"
~Romans 10:15

No, I did not take this pic. of my feet, but my friend (Charity) thought that it was so neat how I always taught (and still teach) in my bare feet! :-)

Rest time is really a great thing to look forward to - especially when you are going through very long days....

I made so many sweet friends this last week...

...I don't think that I will ever want to leave. They surely didn't!


Yes, this is my desk. No, it does not always look like this. And yes again, that is Audrey H. on my computer! Mom, don't panic! I will pick all of that stuff up!

This is in the Cafeteria! It can be very crazy in there some times. I've done some math, and I figure that I have spent over 60 hrs in there over the last 3 weeks! Thats insane!!

Yep, this is our food. It isn't much, but it is Cafeteria food, so please do not expect too much! It's not all too bad, but this kind'of gets old after eating cafeteria food for 3 weeks straight!


Yes, I will take any blame for this...

The girls here can be all girlie, and I wanted to prove it, so this is a pic. of some of us girls who wore pink for a day! We did plan it, and it was so neat to see all of the different shades af pink that we all have!

And yes, the kids here love to play with my "short" blond hair, which is awesome! However, they do not get half as carried away with it as...

Charity and ME!!

This was us after cookie night! How much fun is that?!?!?!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

The End is just the Beginning...

"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." -Luke 18:16

Well, with great success the 2nd week has ended and the 3rd one has begun - and is almost over!! Praise God for the great team that he gave me for my first week on my own! They all had a marvelous time and so did I!!

GO TEAM "F"!!!

I have never met any children that love "UNO" so much as these ones do! It is an absolutly wonderful game to play with them!!


Sports time is always the most fun! The kids have so much energy - it definitly keeps one on ones toes!!

And "yes," I did get a football before leaving the States and have quite enjoyed playing, teaching, and learning how to play it with the kids! None of them have ever played it before, but it became a favorite within a day!

Yep, so Bibi and I had a great time learning how to be teachers and teaching the kids! God is so good and He gives more grace - I believe it!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Week #2...

When I came to you, brothers, I did not come with eloquence or superior wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God. For I was resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
1 Corinthians 2:1-2

The second week is almost up and I believe that I have learned more than the kids! The Lord is really teaching me so much through having my own group/team. Last week I was working with Ruthie, but now I am on my own and this group seems to be more difficult too!

This is Peter (above). He is really in need of Prayer. He has had some issues these last few days and the kids have been teasing him about it. However, now, when another kid is having issues, he will "bully" them up and be really mean. :( It has been really hard, but I've been trying to explain to him that God tells us that even when people have been mean to us, that does not give us permission to do that to others. Instead we should "turn the other cheek." He is having a difficult time understanding this concept. Please pray that walls would be broken and that I would some how be able to reach out to him.

The kids do have a genuine love for learning and their love for it is defenetly an encouragement to me!

The Activities...

This week was "Culture Exchange" week with the students. Some of them are going off to America to teach their "talents" in various places - so cool! The kids who are teaching are phenominal at what they do. I attended the "music" class (go figure...) and I love all that I learned!

They taught us how to play their instuments - it was so neat! I think that it really helped us to bond with our students as well because now they got to be our "teachers."

What a neat "flute!" It sounds really cool too!

Their "Yo Yo's" are so cool! They are difficult at first, but when you catch on, they are a lot of

The fans here are so beautiful!

This brings back memories from being in North Heights Dance Ministry...

And "Yes!!" I still really, really enjoy it!!

Please pray for Bibi (my new TA) and I as we continue to teach and reach out to the Children. Also, that I would be a light for Bibi because she is not a Christian.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

English Summer Camps

The First week of camps was a big success! The kids were so attentive and super sweet!!

This was my team for the first week - Team F!!

We're fun, fantastic, and fabulous too!

We're fast as lightning, competing against you...

We're team F!!

The leaders of Team F: Emma (TA) Camille (me) and Ruthie (AT)
We all had a great time working together. Emma was a great Teachers Assistant and Ruthie was a wonderful American Teacher,, of course, I could not help getting her a little wet... ;)

"You anoint my head with [water]; my cup overflows."

Well, to end off the week, we had a Taiwanese BBQ
The Kids really enjoyed it as well as the AT and TA's!

This is Rita and I after a charcoal fight...
Rita was the "head person" this last week for King Car - She was awesome!

These are some of the culprits from the "dirty" fight - I had no idea how much fun those "fights" could be!!

These are some of my girls from week one. They were so cute! They even made me a huge card before they left - it was super sweet!

Overall, I would say that it was a fantastic week...On to the next one that has already started!!

Saturday, July 7, 2007


This is the hall that leads to the Chaing Kai-Shek Memorial

These buldings are so awesome and beautiful!!


This is the Tran Station. It can take you for miles under Taipei!

This was one of the main highlights of my trip! It was an ice cream sunday crepe!
Only one word to describe this my friend...YUM!! *giggle, giggle*

This was our view from our hotel window. Although it was a gourgous hotel, the city was still in need! :(

This is the "ever-so-busy" street. I thought that my mom was a crazy driver....but then I came here! WOW!

And,...if you can see through the blurr,... I found it!

The trip was intended to go get the kids from Taipei and bring them to Hsinchu County for our English Village Bible Camps. By the grace of God everything went as it was suppose to and all of the kids (and the leaders) got to Camp saftly!
Thank God for His Protection!