And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. -Hebrews 11:6
Wow, there is no way to describe how wonderful God truly IS!! As I write this, I have gone through our "normal" day at the English Village, but on only 2 1/2 hrs of sleep! Much as I could be complaining about this, I am really trying hard to look on the bright side of it - it gave me an opportunity to share with y'all how goo God is for keeping me awake! I was teaching dance all day and was sure that I would be exhausted. However, God is good and I am going to stay up until 9:00pm, just to make sure that I sleep all night. I would have gotten more sleep, except for when I take naps in the afternoon, I CANNOT get to sleep in the night (well, not until 2 or 3 hrs after I would like too). Oh, and the fact that I have I certain un-named roomie that likes to talk Chinese/English/Babble in her sleep...it is so funny. I had to wake her up though, just to make sure that she was okay. :)
Thus, I didn't get much sleep last night and I was quite exhausted this morning. However, after a refreshing quite time (...and some Mr. Brown coffee), I had the best work day out of the week!
The children are so precious and so innocent. I just wish that I could do more for them! I am really trying hard to pick up more of their language but it can be really difficult - please pray that the Lord would help me learn it soon and quickly so that I can communicate more with theses children.
Ok, this is a picture of our Bedrooms. I have the bottom bunk, Teresa has the top, and Sarah (angelic Sarah) has taken the floor (for now). Please pray that Sarah would get a bed soon. Hers broke, ... and we found out that 5 girls are not suppose to be on one of these little beds all at once!! *oopz!
This is my closet that I share with Sarah. It could be neater,...but then again...
These are my wonderful reminders of all of those people at home that love me and are praying for me. I keep them on my shelf, which also reminds me to pray for them because I see them everyday - just like at home!!

Ok,...now should I leave you to guess when this picture was taken?
Well, I guess that I can tell you...in 2 words: Ultimate Frisbee!!
Ok, we went out, right around the typhoon was suppose to come, and played in all elements an absolutely random game of ultimate Frisbee, in the rain and the wind! It was so much fun...and it was so funny that I could hardly breath!! I am so glad that the Lord gives us laughter - especially when it is a dreary day. I was prepared for a boring day (due to the rain), but God decided to give me a wonderful treat and blessed me with some wonderful teammates that love to play ultimate as much as I do! Yeah!! It was some good memories!