There is not too much that compares to the smile of a child to a Teacher. It shows the Teacher that the student not only is learning, but is also enjoying that which is being taught!
This week I taught in the store a lot. I was afraid that it would be very boring, but I had no idea how much fun in the learning we could have!
We had some very interesting experiences in the store this week, like:
Teacher robbing the store, Everyone dressing up and robbing the (next door over) bank, picking up the store, and much, much more!!
I also figured out that the boys LOVE trying to steal the food. Unfortunately, they still have not made off with any (unlike their teacher)!
I made so many good friends with the students this week - I am really praying that I get to see them again soon!
Theses are the "twins" that we had for 2 days. However, I had them in most of my classes, so we got to know each other pretty well. Their names are Peter and Simon. They were so cool!
Oh, and I had special help this week from my "manikin" friend! The kids got a blast from it!!

And,...on a sadder note. One of my close friends, Aleita, has had an ear infection of some sort since she got here at the end of August. She has been to several Doctors, but none of them could help her. Finally she and her parents decided that she had to come back to Canada. When she told us that she was leaving we all got pretty sad...

We had a farewell party for her and we are keeping her in our prayers. We don't know if she will come back, but whatever happens, we are praying that God would keep his arms around her and give her His peace!