His Love is sooo big that I don't ever think that I will even be able to comprehend it.
He shows me his love for me in new ways every day, but so often I find myself missing it.
Lately He has been opening my eyes to it though.
Let me tell you what I saw...
After a long and exhausting day of teaching, I went to the office to find a box with my name on it. It was from all of my Bible Quizzing friends back in the States. It was perfect. It was Pink!! =) no, seriously, everything in the box was completely pink. It was amazing. My Bible Quizzing friends have been a huge support while I've been over here. I cannot wait to see them all again!!
His Love is sooo big that I don't ever think that I will even be able to comprehend it.
He shows me his love for me in new ways every day, but so often I find myself missing it.
Lately He has been opening my eyes to it though.
Let me tell you what I saw...
After a long and exhausting day of teaching, I went to the office to find a box with my name on it. It was from all of my Bible Quizzing friends back in the States. It was perfect. It was Pink!! =) no, seriously, everything in the box was completely pink. It was amazing. My Bible Quizzing friends have been a huge support while I've been over here. I cannot wait to see them all again!!
Another day we had a filming crew out here at the E.V. to tape some of us teaching several classes. I volunteered for Dance class. I was terribly nervous because I hate standing in front of cameras and saying stuff over and over again...not to mention I didn't know what kids I would be teaching it to (and I did not want an all boys group!!). However, God gave me a wonderful bunch of girls who had already come to the E.V. and knew me. Thus, the filming was a blast and dancing with those girls made it all the more fun! Nonetheless...I don't think that I will ever do THE HOKEY POKEY again. =P
I went to a delightful concert with my great friend back in the States. I LOVE Triple Espresso!! They are so funny!
(OK, so maybe I wasn't there totally...but my body was!) ;-)
My Outside school is stealing my heart!
All of my children are so precious.
-the way my kindergartners try to talk to me...even though I don't understand half of what they are saying =)
-The way my first graders love to "touch teacher" and how their smiles couldn't get any bigger
-All of my precious 2nd graders and how they crave my attention
-How my little Nate, a 3rd grader, has finally stopped jumping on the tables and is now sitting up straight and is my best student <3
-How my sweet 4th graders all have to talk at once and "Teacher MUST" touch every little pet they bring to school... ;-P
-My competitive Alan's in 5th Grade and their enthusiasm for learning English!
-ALL OF MY 6th GRADERS!! They are the most amazing Darlings and I have never seen more eager students! =D
Yeah, so I am sitting here wondering how I am going to be able to pull myself away from here, but I know that we are all going to keep in touch! (Did I mention how much I love email??)
Well, God is totally, amazingly, wonderfully, too good for me and I have no idea how, but I am totally and completely at peace in His arms!
Some prayer requests that I have:
-Those who I come into contact with frequently and want to share more about Christ with (specifically the "Plaid drink stand" man, Popo, and Janice)
-Upcoming Graduation (there is still quite a bit of stuff that needs to get done and I want to do my best at all of it!!)
-Homecomings and Goodbyes...those are self explanatory. =)

Until later....