Well, to the faithful readers of this blog, here is another update (finally!!)
IO!! I'm so sorry that I have't gotten on sooner, but life has gone bye soo fast these last 3 months... thanks for your patience! =)
Ok, here's the scope, in case you haven't heard yet....
yeah, as of June 26th, 2008, I've been back in the States.
So, I get to the airport in CA and am SHOCKED to see and hear everything in ENGLISH!!!
Omword! Y'all can't realize how much of a shocker it is to go away for that long and come back and...WOW!!
Here are some of the "First impression of Minnesota" pictures
Mom's first reaction: *HUG* ....then make sure that it was me. ;-)
The boys (along with some great friends) made signs - just in case I couldn't find them =)
I Love this picture!! My girlz knew were to take me right away - man, I missed them sooo much!! <3
Oh, and this is our "Big, Blue whale" ....at least, I think it was...
It was soo nice to see my family again! I've missed them so much!
Please pray for me as I continue to re-adjusting to life back in the States.
It's been hard - I'm use to living around ppls who don't speak English, "little" kids, and I know that I've changed a little bit (as did my family) since I left!
Please pray that the Lord will continue to give me the grace to endure these "little" things, Love (and a servants heart) toward my family, and a mind set only on Him!!
I love you all and I hope to see you soon!! <3