You know my sitting down and my rising up; You understand my thought afar off.
You comprehend my path and my lying down, And are acquainted with all my ways.
that is truth.
but honestly, these past few weeks/months (year?) i've gone through some of the hardest times in my life.
from trusting God, cherishing Jesus, lovin the family, being there for friends... idk. it's been hard.
yet through it all, God always shows himself to me.. and He's MORE THAN ENOUGH.
isn't that weird?
I could rant and rave on and on about God's love. yet i find myself forgetting all the time... and it isn't until i reach that beautiful, quiet moment that i find myself thinking... "wow. He really does love us just this much"
i don't think one thing brought about this train of thought... it was more like a million and two little things... :)
i don't even know how to explain it.
all i know is that God really does love me.
yes, things happen. shake our faith. make us feel lower than, dirt. friends may leave us. people may change. and yes, those closest to us hurt us the worst.
but if we take a moment and look at the overall picture... doesn't it all just bring us closer to God? and therefore, doesn't it make us even more beautiful in His eyes? so... what else matters? <3>
So... what is this all coming down to?
idk. just letting you know that God loves me.
and if He is amazing enough to love someone like me, His love for YOU is un-doubtable! ...just sayin :)