...Service Camps in Hualian...

...visiting aberiginal dances and festivals...

....loving the little children...

...traveling for hours along the whole coast of Taiwan while traveling back to my "home"...

...getting wet...

...walking barefoot (of course!!) ....

...having people laugh at me and take pictures....

...of me helping people have fun in the water (...what do you think?!?!)...

...enjoying God's beautiful glory...
...making new friends...

...hating to leave old ones...
That is my last three weeks wrapped up in a nut shell. Of course there is more, like:
touring Taiwan...getting my pink razor cell phone...jumping on to trains...ripped bags..feeling like laughing like crazy...duct tape...vacation at a French Catholic dorm...eating seafood...hair salons...walking in the rain...moping the flooded floor of my bedroom...moving into my home...meeting a bunch of new freinds...almost laughing like crazy...watching movies until very late...staying in a hotel...checking out the town...working out...getting "bangs"...laughing like crazy...etc.,etc....
Well, thatz all for now folks!
WOW!...WOW! That actually sounds really fun, I wish I was there. Floods, saving people, French! Friends, laughing like really hard.
ReplyDeleteAnd my personal favorite watching movies late into the morning. I still haven't broken anything...but I'm getting close.
Camille! Wow! I'm so jealous right now! It sounds awesome! Did you actually take that picture with the hill and the rainbow reflection on it? That is amazing! Send me a picture of your new hair cut! You are definitely going to be in trouble when you get home ;) You can't try to persuade me to grow my hair out long anymore! I miss you like crazy! I wish I was there!
ReplyDeleteSo, you said you know someone coming there? I have some stuff to send to you. Is there a way I could send it with whoever is coming?
Wow, the adventure you're on is just UNREAL!! I already wanted to go overseas so badly, and now much, much more! I wish I could come visit you, to make sure so pictures are real ;)
I love you!
ReplyDeleteGirl it looks so beautiful there! Do you mind if I join you? Well I'm glad to here your haveing a good time! I love you lots and stay beautiful. ~Hopey