Believe it or not,
it was exactly one year ago today that i first heard about this whole "TAIWAN" thing.
Interesting, isn't it?
i just happened to be looking throw past journal entries that i had done and i stumbled upon the first one that mentioned was June 3rd, 2007! It seems so weird to think about it.
i was so naive to everything that i would be doing here -
it was totally a LEAP OF FAITH for me.
Here's what my entry said:
"I might be going to Taiwan! The day after I got back from the journey, mom told be about this trip that Gina S. was going on in July. I said that I was interested, but that was all I needed to say in order to get the ball rolling. Mom told Dad, got more info. from Mrs. Sirpless, and had me call to get an application. Well, I now have both parents full blessing and we are all totally at peace about this whole thing - thatz weird!! Well, here's more info: The trip starts in July (07) and is a year (and a month?) long. IBLP is starting an "Americanized City" in Taiwan so that people can send their "foreign exchange students" to that city instead of sending them all the way to America."Wow. Little did i know that i would, in fact, be here that year. i thought that i was just playing around, not really getting myself into anything.
i was a little off.
however, i love my job here. i do so much more than just teaching -it's totally all about the relationships here. the children CRAVE relationships, friendships, touch, LOVE!
God has done such a wonderful work here in Taiwan
...and in me!
"Be still and KNOW that I AM God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth!"
~Ps. 46:10