Sunday, April 17, 2011

thoughts on prayer

"Sometimes I'm a selfish fake
You're always a true friend
I don't deserve you
'Cause I'm not there for you
please forgive me again

I wanna be there for you,
someone you can come to
runs deeper than my bones
I wanna be there for you..."

This is seriously the most played song on my ipod right now ~ Looooove it <3 

Anywho... this week was... good. it was hard, but it was good.

let's see.... we had a really well behaved group of kids.
it was funny actually.... we had two different schools.
one was quiet. very quiet. the other was very LOUD.
i can't help but love having two opposite groups like that and watch them get to the perfect medium as the week progresses! :D

this was also our week of training in our two newest teachers ~ Patty and Mandy.
my word.... God has given me the most perfectest team EVER!
patty is quiet and sweet ~ but she has her little sassy side.
Mandy... is like the Taiwanese version of me (according to Joyce) ~ she's already earned the title "Orange... #2" ;D hehehe

spiritually, this week was really hard. not gunna lie, quiet times for me don't happen nearly as often as i wish they would! however... God's grace and gentle little reminders never cease to amaze me.

i was actually observing one of Jo's classes (something that i LOVE doing, cuz she's such a cool teacher. she never forgets anything! ... and her Chinese is so darn cute) and i noticed one boy being a little more rowdy than the others. well... half way through the class, he raised his hand to answer one of the questions, she called on him, he got it correct, she praised him, and that was that. however... it amazed me, cuz after that he didn't take his eyes off of her/participated waaaay more. i shot up a quick prayer, asking God to use that kid in amazing ways in the future.... and then it dawned on me that i should pray for another kid... and another... and then i got really overwhelmed. there was sooo much i wanted to pray about for each of these kids.... and so much potential that they could have.... and yet.... [argh]. idk... i guess it never really hit me like that before. i really should be praying much more for each/all of my kids throughout the week! i KNOW that God can do amazing things through each of these kids and that He wants to do amazing things through all of them.... if only i could take some time out of my "busy schedule" to pray for them.

in fact... i don't pray nearly enough in general. and if i do... i rarely believe that God is actually going to "grant my request". i mean, i want Him too, and all that jazz.... but sometimes i don't think He will. and sometimes i'm scared that He will....  i've been reading through this book that my friend is letting me borrow. it's called "forgotten God" (yes, i'm still reading it... i'm a slow reader). Anywho... it's talking about how in Luke 11:13, Jesus says to His disciples, "if you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much MORE will the heavenly Father give the Holy spirit to those who ask Him?" Ahhhhhh!! I'm such a failure at believing/REMEMBERING that. i, personally, LOVE giving ppls gifts... kind of like i love getting gifts... only, i love giving them more because i not only feel good about it, but i love the expression of ppls faces as they get a little reminder that they are loved. and God's heart is like a-billion-trillion-gazillion(timez infinity) bigger than mine! so.... imagine w/ me now... how much MORE  must God LOVE giving gifts to us? and answering our prayers!!

i need to pray more. #fact.

i need to start believing that God does want the best for me... and that He not only has the power, but also the pleasure in providing for my every need!

honestly... the thought of this fall scares me... a lot.

God is totally changing my heart... and much as i love it... it scares me.
it's making me vulnerable... putting me legitly at the point where i'm going to have to "walk by faith".... and take each day one step at a time...
there are still so many things that are uncertain concerning this fall.
but even if i don't know what's all going down this fall... i can be confident that God will cover all my needs.
i have a big God... and His love constantly brings me to tears.... because i tend to fall so short... yet never far enough to fall out of His loving arms.

mmmm.... think that's all i had to say about that.

(btw, the worlds best post-running snack = my family's granola! it'z just that fab, it leaves you feeling satisfied and good about what you just ate!!)

Okay... other than that, a few more highlights from my week would be:

1) MY MOM IS COMING TO TAIWAN!!! praise the Lord! i've been waiting for the past 5 years for anyone from my family to come out and visit me over here... and now it's legitly happening! May 3 - May 9th me madre will be traveling Taiwan w/ me!! whoop whoop!

2) God is pulling me away from Nursing... and bringing me into a more "natural" health profession.... ((more detail on that when i get some))

3) Running is amazing and more people should do it! it gives a person more energy than an energy drink!!! (and less guilt) ;D

5) lots of traveling in the near future...

6) ONLY 3 MONTHS LEFT!!! ((camille's brain goes into shock)) praying that i make THE MOST out of every single moment i have here!!!!

.... and that's all for now folks!

Love y'all much <3 <3

1 comment:

  1. Camille...I'm right there with you. I don't pray hardly enough. And I definitely don't trust him as I should. What is encouraging to me is that he is able to give far more abundantly than we could ever ask or imagine. That's a crazy thought. Keep running after him! Love you girl like crazy and we need to talk soon! (and yes, I do actually read your blog...I just haven't commented until now, for which I apologize profusely!)


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