my last few days here are going to FLY BY!!
i honestly have no idea how i'm supposed to get anything done cuz there's so much to do and so little time to do it.
i've already started packing cuz i have a feeling that, come next monday, my life will = chaos -__-
this past week was fabulous. the kids were super energetic and cool and exciting and... yeah.
it was a good week.
and this weekend... was ... fantabulistic!!
My friend, Elmari, and i were able to go up to Taipei for the weekend and visit my church family/friends and several of my other friends.
it was SO GOOD to see ppls and get the chance to say goodbye....
although... i really do hate goodbyes.... so it was really a good-sort-of-hard weekend :P
Sooo... i don't remember everything from this weekend, but here's the jist of it:
All the CEI teachers went to eat dinner&coffee at this really cute restaurant.
it was super ooper fun and i've officially decided that our whole team really IZ nutz :P
(and that we ARE all oranges ~
After some awesome coffee and R&R time, i headed over to Elmari's for the night... which was nice to just get away from "my home" without actually leaving my town... :) :)
The next morning Elmari and i headed out for Taipei... we planned on leaving at 8, but someone coughcoughMEcoughcough forgot to wake up when her alarm went off :P ((fail))
the train ride was long... thus we ended up taking a few random pictures and making a random video...
((fun times for sure))
once we got to Taipei it was rush, rush, RUSH!!
had to drop off our bags at our apartment, rush back to the Taipei main station, meet up for starbucks/shopping with mi amazing sisters (May and Daffney), over to the church for worship practice, worship service with the church, dinner at TGI Friday's with Elmari, and then back to the apartment for a restless night of sleep :P
i will say, the church service was amazing. seriously the most amazing part of this year (er... one of them?)
we got there and May's like, "Camille... we have a surprise for y'all tonight"
and so they did.
right after their worship&songs, they called me up to the front of the church and the WHOLE CHURCH prayed over me as i prepare to set off on this new journey back to the states/college.
it took my breath away... and made me cry >_>
why did God bring this church into my life at the END of my time here?!?
((confused feelings inserted here))
but their prayer over me was beautiful.... and quite hit home with me.
(ask me about it sometime and i'll be more than willing to share it with you) <3
I'm going to miss them all so much. everyone of them, their amazing personalities and love/passion for Jesus.... <3
woke up about every 10 min from 6am-9am thinking that i'd missed my breakfast appointment = not cool.
however, it worked out. i ended up being able to shower up/get ready with plenty of time to spare, and THEN.... i got to see my amazing and long-lost-friend Bibi (you can see her in some of these old posts from the FIRST year i was in Taiwan: here, here, or here).
It was SO cool to meet up with her/catch up with all that's going on in her life. we were able to hang out at this adorable lil' breakfast cafe.
[oh so cute]
So yeah, after an AWESOME morning with my amazing friend Bibi, i went back to pack/wake up the sleeping Elmari for some crazy adventures in downtown Taipei... :D :D
we ended up leaving around 6pm and getting back to our lovely hometown around 9pm
pretty sure i fell asleep soon after that ^_^
long train ride. take one. and action... |
Camille doesn't like getting "lost" >_> |
see?!?! we can be cute sometimes :D :D |
< |
you know you're with great friends when you get to starbucks... and all order the same thing :P |
the church service :) :) |
All of my church brothers and sisters ~ i love them SO MUCH!!! <3 <3 |
matching shirts that we'd bought that day ~ ~ so cute, no??? ^_^ |
we wanted to be European (: (: |
Friends for a lifetime ~ Sisters for EVER |
the MRT station ~ in case you were wondering what they looked like :) |
Mi and Bibi :D |
![]() |
~ Happy days ~ |
This (below) is one of our videos that we made on the train.
mmk... as for one last announcement....
July 1st i will get to see the shore of MN
see y'all in 12-ish days :D :D
Love y'all lots and lots <3 <3
see y'all in 12-ish days :D :D
Love y'all lots and lots <3 <3
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