Monday, May 4, 2009


Ok, I know that it's been about a year since I updated this thing... sorry. my bad :P

Anywho, I have some awesome news:


yes indeed! and I'm super stoked cuz I'm leaving in a month! (lol. this sounds like a familiar story...)

It was all quite random and spontaneous, but Wes Dudley emailed me the other day, telling me that they were looking into doing something new this Summer and were in need of teachers. Wes, knowing that I still wanted to come back, thought of me and mentioned it and... yeah. Through a series of quick-paced events I am going home! :)

Although I don't have all the details of what I'll be doing, here's a little glimpse of what I know:

Yup. Check it out. let me know what you think.
As always, I covet your prayers for me. It was really hard leaving last time, and I do already have plans for this Fall. However, I thought I had plans for this Summer and look what God did with those! ha! Yup, this could turn out to be quite an awesome experience!

Love y'all lots!! <3