Monday, June 27, 2011

goodbyes... tears... and my emotions go wild

i don't even know what to write here.

we had our official team "going away" party yesterday...

i hate the term "party" for goodbye gatherings.... are we really celebrating the fact that ppls are LEAVING?!?! :P

anywho, this is my last week here.

in fact.... my days in Douliou are finished in 4 more hours.... and i will then take a train up to Taipei to finish off my stay here.... the airport is right around the corner!! ((JULY FIRST))

i'm actually rather trippin out about this whole "air travel" thing....

somehow time slows down epically while i'm in the airplane.... and i arrive in MSP 5hrs after i leave Taiwan :P
yup... those were some random thoughts.... anywho... 

this past weekend was FABULOUS!! i ended up going down to Kaoshung and hanging out with the fantabulistic KimChee and Grace! it ended up being a very girlie-weekend. we did our nails(really long/pretty nails), watched chick flicks, talked about everything, stayed up late/woke up early, drank lots of coffee, went shopping, attended a bilingual church service, and traveled around everywhere via train/taxi :D it was great fun ^_^

So yes, the weekend was fabulous!

however... it was the start of more/harder goodbye's... and tears :'-(
Monday (yesterday) i was super/pleasantly surprised with a goodbye party from my co-workers

i cried >_<

i never really realized how many memories we all have together... until i was watching out final slideshow.... and started crying as i watched... and every picture brought me back to a different and very special memory...


like seriously.... NONE of us are alike...  and yet we all suit each other perfectly.

it's amazing...

this past year has been amazing....

and beautiful.

i'm running short on time right now, and i promise to write more later, but...

to all my CEI co-Teachers

Thank you. Thank you for blessing my life and leaving your footprints on my heart.

I will love y'all for EVER!!


Sunday, June 26, 2011

To keep you entertained

These are merely some random pictures to keep y'all entertained.

they were taken over the past 2(+) weeks.


Reporter Class

My Prince (I WISH!!!) <3

~ I absolutely [HEART] these girls ~

Making Sandwiches :-d

for some reason they thought i needed 4 forks. HA! :D

we have some issues...

Joyce was convinced that they were my princes.
i'm convinced that she was nuts :P

we're awesome.
Basically :)

Yup... that's it folks :D

Love y'all much much much <3 <3