Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Oops... this is a sidenote...

A verse that has meant a lot to me these past few weeks:

1st Peter 1:6-8

彼 得 前 書 1:6-8 (Chinese Union Version (Simplified))

6 因 此 , 你 们 是 大 有 喜 乐 ; 但 如 今 , 在 百 般 的 试 炼 中 暂 时 忧 愁 ,7 叫 你 们 的 信 心 既 被 试 验 , 就 比 那 被 火 试 验 仍 然 能 坏 的 金 子 更 显 宝 贵 , 可 以 在 耶 稣 基 督 显 现 的 时 候 得 着 称 赞 、 荣 耀 、 尊 贵 。8 你 们 虽 然 没 有 见 过 他 , 却 是 爱 他 ; 如 今 虽 不 得 看 见 , 却 因 信 他 就 有 说 不 出 来 、 满 有 荣 光 的 大 喜 乐 ;

1 Peter 1:6-8 (New King James Version)

(6) "In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials, (7) that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ, (8) whom having not seen[a] you love. Though now you do not see Him, yet believing, you rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory..."


"Do not fear going forward slowly; fear only to stand still" --Chinese Proverb

So... where do i start?

i miss Taiwan. like, a TON.

i feel selfish... in a way. Right now i'm going to College (for self) when there is so much need out there (for others).

i've been talking to my Dad (he's really amazing and encouraging, Ps!) and he's been telling me that I have to start looking at the bigger picture. Yeah, i'm at college right now and kind of unable to do a whole lot of stuff for others, but when i think about it, why AM i here?

The answer was simple. i'm here to become a nurse.

but why am i becoming a nurse?
so that i can go to other countries and serve the people who can't afford it.

then, after seeing the "bigger picture" why is it still so hard to be patient?
and why would God hold me back a year? Is there really that much more i need to learn before i can go out and benefit others?


i'm just really having a hard time seeing the bigger picture.

i talk to my friends from over there, who beg me to return. and in all honesty, since i've been "home", i've never really felt "at home." no, i don't think it's just because of all the stuff my family's been going through these past few years either. i was just looking at pictures from my blog (oh, this one in fact!) and i was taken aback at how much emotion i had attached to each picture. seriously, i was close to tears from the precious memories behind each photograph. weird.


ok, now i've vented. again. weird how it's so much easier to vent on paper (or, in this case, "Internet"?) then it is to vent in person...

Anywho, if you think about it, pray that God would give me grace and contentment for where i'm at right now. i don't want to take for granted the time i have here at college or the genius professors or the amazing co-students/friends/roomies. i'm trying to have patience w/ where i'm at in life right now and trying to live each moment to it's max... i just don't want to miss anything that God tosses my way :)

Thanks <3